A really nice day.
The next day turned out to be an emotional one. We visited Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site. The year was 1957 and Little Rock became the center of the racism in America. It was the first significant test of Brown vs. Brown. The first televised presentation of what it was really like for 9 black high school students being escorted by U.S. Army soldiers through lines of violent segregationists. Then Governor Faubus actually used the armed Arkansas National Guard to block those 9 kids from entering the school. President Eisenhower finally put an end to it with these words in a telegram to the governor, "The only assurance I can give you is that the Federal Constitution will be upheld by me by every legal means at my command." He sent Federal troops to Little Rock and had the National Guard stand down. The battle had gone on for over a year with Faubus closing the schools to all students. Ultimately school opened and the Little Rock 9 attended the school that had been blocked to them and all African Americans. My favorite quote came from Daisy Gatson Bates who said, "Any time it takes 11,500 soldiers to assure nine Negro children their constitutional rights in a democratic society, I can't be happy."
The world was watching and the civil rights movement really got traction. The school is still open and attended by 2,000 students of all races, religions, and ethnic backgrounds. It was a bittersweet visit in today's political environment. Watching us go backwards with the likes of Jeff Sessions is heartbreaking and anger producing.
Our last day in Little Rock was spent at The William J. Clinton Presidential Center. This is the presidential library for Bill Clinton and what a place it is. Bill certainly had his issues (there is no Monica Lewinsky section), but he accomplished so much. The library has exhibits, displays, and memorabilia of those exceptional 8 years. How is this for a presidency?
Economic Leadership and a Stronger Economy
- Under President Clinton's leadership, almost 6 million new jobs were created in the first two years of his Administration -- an average of 250,000 new jobs every month.
- In 1994, the economy had the lowest combination of unemployment and inflation in 25 years.
- As part of the 1993 Economic Plan, President Clinton cut taxes on 15 million low-income families and made tax cuts available to 90 percent of small businesses, while raising taxes on just 1.2 percent of the wealthiest taxpayers.
- President Clinton signed into law the largest deficit reduction plan in history, resulting in over $600 billion in deficit reduction. The deficit is going down for 3 years in a row for the first time since Harry Truman was president.
Fighting Crime and Restoring Our Communities
- The President signed into law the Brady Bill, which imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases so that background checks can be done to help keep handguns away from criminals.
- The President's Crime Bill will put 100,000 new police officers on the street. More than 1,200 communities have already received grants to hire 27,000 additional officers.
- The Crime Bill also punishes criminals by expanding the number of offenses eligible for the death penalty and implementing the "three-strikes-and-you're-out" provision.
- And, the Bill banned the manufacture of 19 specific types of deadly assault weapons, while simultaneously protecting hunters' rights by exempting over 650 hunting rifles.
Strengthening Our Families: Security and Opportunity
- President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act. The law, which covers over 42 million Americans, offers workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-guaranteed leave for child birth, adoption, or personal or family illness.
- President Clinton expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit to cut the taxes of 15 million working families with incomes of $27,000 or less.
- President Clinton granted waivers to 25 states -- half the nation -- providing for comprehensive welfare reform demonstrations.
- President Clinton ordered the U.S. Justice Department to conduct the first-ever crackdown on deadbeat parents who refuse to accept financial responsibility for their own children.
- Signed an Executive Order cracking down on federal employees who owe child support.
Cutting Bureaucracy
- President Clinton has already cut the federal bureaucracy by more than 100,000 positions. Under the recommendations of the National Performance Review, the federal bureaucracy will be reduced by 272,000 -- its lowest level since the Kennedy Administration.
- And, he reduced the White House staff by 25 percent.
Making Education A Priority
- Under the President's Direct Student Loan program, students can borrow money directly from the government at a lower interest rate and with many flexible repayment options, including the option to repay with a percentage of their after-graduation salary. Taxpayers will save at least $4.3 billion over five years.
- In 1994, over 20,000 AmeriCorps members tutored students, immunized children, reclaimed urban parks, and patrolled neighborhoods. In return, they earned $4,725 per year of service towards college tuition or job training.
- President Clinton signed into law Goals 2000, a national standard of excellence for our public schools. Already, 41 states and territories have received federal grants to raise academic standards and improve schools.
- President Clinton's Safe and Drug Free Schools and Community Act and the Safe Schools Act provide funding to schools to fight violence and drug abuse. Schools can use up to 25 percent of their funds to purchase metal detectors, develop safe zones, and hire school security personnel.
- The President's School-to-Work program provides venture capital to spark a nationwide system for moving America's young people from high school to a job with a future. In 1994, all states received planning funds for their school-to-work program.
- Charter School legislation signed by President Clinton encourages states and localities to set up public school choice.
Expanding Markets for American Products
- The Clinton Administration forged a bipartisan coalition to pass NAFTA, after concluding tough negotiations on side agreements covering workers' rights, the environment, and import surges. Exports to Mexico rose 23 percent in the first 11 months of 1994.
- President Clinton led the fight to pass GATT, which lowers tariffs worldwide by $744 billion over ten years -- the largest international tax cut in history. GATT cuts tariffs on manufactured goods by more than one-third overall and eliminates tariffs in major markets in a number of sectors in which the U.S. is particularly competitive.
Protecting Our Environment
- Under President Clinton, the EPA launched its "Common Sense Initiative" to make health protection cheaper and smarter by focusing on results rather than one-size-fits-all regulations.
- The President's Northwest Forest Plan is putting communities in the Northwest back to work, while conserving ancient forests.
- After decades of conflict, the Clinton Administration negotiated a consensus plan to protect California's most valuable natural resource -- its water. The San Francisco and Delta estuary supplies drinking water to two-thirds of the state's people, provides irrigation for 45 percent of the nation's fruits and vegetables, and sustains 300 aquatic species.
Promoting Security and Freedom Abroad
- President Clinton hosted the signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles in September, 1993, and the signing of the Israeli-Jordan Washington Principles in July, 1994 -- historic agreements between the leaders of Israel and her Arab neighbors to settle differences by peaceful means.
- To enhance European security and stability, the Clinton Administration proposed the Partnership for Peace program, offering former Soviet republics and Central/East European states closer ties with NATO. Already, 22 nations have signed on, since NATO's adoption of the program in January, 1994.
- As of May, 1994, nuclear missiles in Russia and the United States are no longer targeted against any country. And, as a result of other Clinton Administration efforts, the Ukraine is ahead of schedule in reaching the goal of transferring 1,500 nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantlement.
- President Clinton peacefully restored democracy to Haiti, curbing the violence that threatened tens of thousands of Haitians, securing our borders, and upholding our commitments and the commitments made to us in the process.
How about the new version of the Muslim ban or the Republican alternative to ACA? How about increases of 30% to 70% for healthcare? How about the healthcare plan providing incredible tax cuts again for the uber wealthy.
Whether Einstein or Mark Twain said it, "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Donald Trump is the same person who campaigned. There was no turn, there will be no turn; there is only Trump and the spineless Republicans. Next time, I will tell you how I really feel.
Next Hot Springs, AR.
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