Sunday, January 1, 2017

Austin for the Holidays

We are still here in Round Rock for the holidays.  We have enjoyed every minute with our kids and grand kids.  We will be staying in the area until the 23rd.  We have been re-introduced to one of the fastest growing areas in the country.   We are staying in Leander, a small town north of Austin that was literally the "country" a few years ago.  Now,  we are surrounded by those stacked signs with development names everywhere.  I imagine in a few years, open space will be gone along with the longhorns.  Shopping centers and convenience stores at every corner and the same restaurants 100' from the next.  I guess I have become a bit of a curmudgeon when it comes to cookie cutter developments both residential and commercial.  The more we travel, the more we discover the beauty of the countryside, the small towns and the open spaces.
New years eve was a quiet one at Brad and Janet's home for Chinese food and TV. We watched "Sully" and I have to tell you that after four million miles in the air, there were some tense moments. I experienced aborted landings that were too close for comfort and a returned flight with a fire on board, but never "The Miracle on the Hudson". It was a really good movie and it's amazing that we have seen Tom Hanks grow from the boy in Bosom Buddies to Sully. 

This week we hope to head out to the Lyndon B. Johnson National Park.  Hopefully, the weather will hold so we can see the ranch.  We've seen Big Bend National Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park and the Ft. Davis National Monuments here in Texas.  We hope to take a ride up to Waco as well to see the Waco Mammoth Site.  Let you know how it is.

Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy New Year!

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